At the bottom of a valley frequented by deer and wolves is the splendid Sommafiume refuge (1,784 m) to be managed independently. Chop wood, heat water and guard this easily accessible paradise. We explore the border between the Albano Valley and the Morobbia Valley in Switzerland and at night those who are not cold can admire the stars. We will share dinner with tastings of local flavours, the “Braschino” that they only make here, and a glass of grappa in company. We will share the journey to travel together along the last few kilometres of dirt road accessible to any car that is not too …low. The time is right for listening to the deep, primitive sound of the bramito.

Having the refuge as our base, we will explore the surroundings with not too demanding hikes. Approximately 500 metres of altitude difference per day.

Day One

We consolidate the cars in Lecco and then proceed around the lake to Dongo, from here we begin to climb among enchanting villages and surprising views, civilisation receding. After the last few kilometres on a dirt road, we stop near the former Giovo refuge. From there, a practically level path leads us to our dwelling. We light the stove, eat our packed lunch and then calmly climb up before dinner to watch the sunset at the pass that marks the border with the Swiss Val Morobbia.

Approximately 9 km, difference in altitude + 400 m . Total for the day

Day Two

On Sunday morning, with a light rucksack, we climb up to Bocchetta di Senavecchia, which overlooks Val Cavargna. If we are lucky, we may see some deer crossing the valley.

We are below Pizzo di Gino , which on this side has an impervious and rocky slope. These are little-visited places, with traces of high-altitude pastures now abandoned.

We return to the Sommafiume, collect our belongings and reluctantly leave our refuge.

Back at the Giovio pass, with the last 400 metres of difference in altitude, we rise to the historic San Jorio Pass (2,010 m), historically much frequented by smugglers. A beautiful little church and just below the refuge of the same name for a well-deserved coffee or a tasty grappa.

With our eyes and ears full of nature, we set off again on our return journey. The views of the lake will keep us company on the drive down.

Total approx. 14 + km. Height difference + 600 includingSan Jorio pass


COST: € 100. INCLUDED: – Accompaniment by a 2-day hiking guide – – Self-managed dinner including wine and local dessert “Braschino”, overnight stay and breakfast in a self-managed refuge.

EXCLUDED FROM COST: Packed lunch on the first and second day and everything not indicated above

WHAT TO BRING: Hiking shoes, layered clothing suitable for rain/wind, poles not essential but useful, sun cream, hat, backpack, water bottle. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any special requirements or clarifications. SLEEPING BAG. We sleep in a dormitory at a mountain hut, bathrooms are shared by all and there are no showers, for one day you can do it!

DIFFICULTY: We walk on mountain paths, but without any particular technical difficulties, the pace will always be leisurely. Km and altitude difference are indicated in the details of the 2 days.

MEETING TIME AND MEETING POINT: We meet on Saturday at 9.00 a.m. at the Bione car park in Lecco, from there with a few cars we first reach Dongo and then the Giovo Pass (if anyone would like to take the train to Lecco, please contact me) . Expected return to Lecco on the second day at about 5 p.m.


ATTENTION : Reservation confirmed following bank transfer for deposit of 50 € indicating: Name Surname and dates of the excursion

IBAN IT55I0760110900001023248816 BancoPosta account in the name of Lovati Leonardo.

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