Clooney's Wine

Unforgettable views along the shores of Lake Como

An unforgettable walk with little elevation gain along the western shore of Lake Como, as in the Grand Tour of the Belle Epoque, a hundred years ago for a select few, walking between the lake and picturesque villages-Menaggio, Cremia, Dongo, Gravedona, to land in Domaso where as a final reward we will taste the Domasino wine produced here, the wine chosen by the famous George for his wedding.


We can either meet directly in Menaggio (10.00am), or Lecco (9.00 am), then reach Menaggio via train/ferry. Our walk begins between the lake and sumptuous villas, among gardens and castles, we will walk along pedestrian roads and ancient mule tracks, the renowned Via Regia, centuries ago the only connecting route on this side of the lake, today reserved for us adventurous walkers. From Menaggio we skirt the lake toward Rezzonico, admiring Villa La Gaeta (James Bond Casino Royale), Villa Camilla, Rezzonico Castle, and then descend to Cremia where we will be welcomed at Hotel Lumin a lovely 3-star hotel with a lake view. We recover our strength with a good dinner and rest our bodies for the next day....







A good breakfast overlooking the lake, and we resume our walk on the footpath along the shoreline. From beach to beach we reach Pianello del Lario, the picturesque Musso, Dongo, villages linked to the events of the Duce who was captured here. We remain always lake-side on this magnificent cycle-pedestrian path adorned with exotic flowers and plants, we reach Gravedona where a stop at the Baptistery of Santa Maria del Tiglio is a must! One of the most beautiful churches on the entire lake, it was a Pagan Temple as early as Roman times! Flanking the Gallio Palace, a cardinal's residence, we arrive at Domaso where among olive trees and vineyards we climb the hill that will take us to the Sorsasso winery, to crown our journey with a tasting of wines produced here, accompanied by cold cuts and cheeses.
The way back will be via boat from Domaso to Bellagio, where comfortably seated we rest our legs enjoying the view of villas and mountains directly from the lake. Expected return in Menaggio at 4.30 pm / Lecco at 5 pm.


Leg: Menaggio-Cremia

Distance:11 km

Altitude Gain: 280m

Walking Time: 4/5h


leg: Cremia-Domaso

Distance:12 km

Altitude Gain: 80m

Walking Time: 4h

Domasino Wine, which we will taste in Red, White and Rosé versions, is produced by the Sorsasso winery from grapes grown in small plots in the hills above Domaso. If you would like to learn more about it, visit the site.

The price includes:

  • guided tour
    overnight stay in 3-star hotel in double or triple rooms (single beds)
    breakfast on Sunday
    Tasting of 3 wines with cured meats and cheeses
    Bellagio-Menaggio boat
    Boat Domaso-Bellagio
    Accident Insurance

The price does not include:

  • packed lunch on Saturday and Sunday
    dinner on Saturday (restaurant or grocery store of your choice)
    anything not included under the heading 'the fee includes'

x info: Gabri tel. + 39  328 7745508 mail: